By Two Therapists

Treatment by two experienced therapists. This is a unique course where you can experience a synergistic effect with a two-therapists treatment.


Total amount including consumption tax

Facial 4D designing course


70 minutes facial course tailored to the individuality of the customer. Design your face in three-dimensionally while skin care.

Lyvolvant Signature Facial treatment


105 minutes
A treatment that relieves tension on the face and body and rejuvenates the whole body by making full use of skin care that suits the type of skin.

135 minutes
Abdominal massage and a special mask are added to the 105-minute course to improve and restores vitality and radiance to the skin.

Lyvolvant Signature Body care


60 minutes
Body treatment that can only be done by two therapists. Choose between upper and lower body care, and you will feel revived, toned and completely restored.

75 minutes
A treatment that approaches directly according to your physical condition and concerns. Intensive care is combined with optional treatment.

95 minutes
For total care of the whole body and support with optional care for improving physical condition.

125 minutes
By adding side care to the two types of optional care, the whole body regains vitality and increases the energy.

Lyvolvant Signature Body & Facial treatments


A special treatment combining whole body care, skin care and facial care. You will feel revived, and more vibrant and refreshed.

Lyvolvant Signature Head & Reflexology


Achieve deep relaxation while wearing a mask & clothes on. This treatment is recommended for those who want to refresh and revive in a short time.